
Awesome Antora: Sort and hide components and versions

A frequent request is to sort the components and their versions in the default Antora UI component explorer in a customized order. Fortunately, this is quite easy to do using a couple of files in a supplemental UI or in a customized UI.

I’d like to thank Bob Roro and Ewan Edwards for a lot of hints about what to do and answers about how to do it. Their invaluable help pushed me into figuring out how this works! I’d also like to thank Dan Allen for pointing to an existing implementation (for a completely custom UI).

Where do we sort?

Here’s the default UI’s partial that sets up the component explorer contents:

nav-explore.hbs (original)
<div class="nav-panel-explore{{#unless page.navigation}} is-active{{/unless}}" data-panel="explore">
  {{#if page.component}}
    <div class="context">
      <span class="title">{{page.component.title}}</span>
      <span class="version">{{page.componentVersion.displayVersion}}</span>
  <ul class="components">
    {{#each site.components}} 
      <li class="component{{#if (eq this}} is-current{{/if}}">
        <span class="title">{{{./title}}}</span>
        <ul class="versions">
          {{#each ./versions}}
            <li class="version
          {{~#if (and (eq .. (eq this}} is-current{{/if~}}
              {{~#if (eq this ../latestVersion)}} is-latest{{/if}}">
              <a href="{{{relativize ./url}}}">{{./displayVersion}}</a>
1 The crucial line!

Here, {{#each site.components}} iterates over the object site.components in the default order. All we have to do is use a Javascript helper to change the order, as in {{#each (mySorter site.components)}}. For this the Javascript helper signature would be module.exports = (components) ⇒ {…​}. Note that #each works on either arrays or objects, so, although site.components is an object, we can return an array of components in the desired order.

Now let’s consider plausible sources of information for the sorter. First of all, we need the collection of components. This is actually available in two ways, as site.components or by calling getComponents on the content catalog model as site.contentCatalog. We could pass the entire site model to our helper, but let’s use site.components like the default.

This much is adequate to hard-code a sort, for instance by listing the order of components explicitly.

Let’s start with a possibly silly example that demonstrates a sorting algorithm that does not need to be configured.

Here’s the nav-explore.hbs modified to work with a sorter:

nav-explore.hbs (with automonous component sorting)
<div class="nav-panel-explore{{#unless page.navigation}} is-active{{/unless}}" data-panel="explore">
  {{#if page.component}}
    <div class="context">
      <span class="title">{{page.component.title}}</span>
      <span class="version">{{page.componentVersion.displayVersion}}</span>
  <ul class="components">
    {{#each (componentSorter site.components)}}
      <li class="component{{#if (eq this}} is-current{{/if}}">
        <span class="title">{{{./title}}}</span>
        <ul class="versions">
          {{#each ./versions}}
            <li class="version
          {{~#if (and (eq .. (eq this}} is-current{{/if~}}
              {{~#if (eq this ../latestVersion)}} is-latest{{/if}}">
              <a href="{{{relativize ./url}}}">{{./displayVersion}}</a>
componentSorter.js (Reverse sorting)
'use strict'

module.exports = (components) => Object.values(components).reverse()

Here, all we’ve done is to reverse the original sort order. As with all these sorters, the code would go in supplemental_ui/helpers/componentSorter.js or, for a UI project, src/helpers/componentSorter.js.

Sorting components based on configuration

This is simple, but it’s convenient to be able to configure the sorting. Let’s do that with a page attribute page-component-sort-order, expected to be set in the playbook. If you want to confuse your viewers, you could set it differently in each antora.yml component descriptor, or even on each page.

Something similar could be done for version sort order, but this can be configured more easily in the component descriptors.

With these choices, our Handlebars partial will look like this:

nav-explore.hbs (with component sorting)
<div class="nav-panel-explore{{#unless page.navigation}} is-active{{/unless}}" data-panel="explore">
  {{#if page.component}}
    <div class="context">
      <span class="title">{{page.component.title}}</span>
      <span class="version">{{page.componentVersion.displayVersion}}</span>
  <ul class="components">
    {{#each (componentSorter site.components page.attributes.component-sort-order)}}
      <li class="component{{#if (eq this}} is-current{{/if}}">
        <span class="title">{{{./title}}}</span>
        <ul class="versions">
          {{#each ./versions}}
            <li class="version
          {{~#if (and (eq .. (eq this}} is-current{{/if~}}
              {{~#if (eq this ../latestVersion)}} is-latest{{/if}}">
              <a href="{{{relativize ./url}}}">{{./displayVersion}}</a>

In a project with supplemental UI, this would be supplemental_ui/partials/nav-explore.hbs. In a UI project based on the Antora default UI, this would be src/partials/nav-explore.hbs.

Now let’s consider a configurable example, where you specify the exact order of components, and any components not mentioned are skipped.

componentSorter.js (Simple configurable sorting)
'use strict'

module.exports = (components, sortOrder = undefined) => {
  if (sortOrder) {
    const sort = sortOrder.split(',').map((componentName) => componentName.trim())
    return sort.reduce((accum, name) => {
      if (components[name]) {
      } else {
        console.log(`no such component to sort: ${name}`)
      return accum
    }, [])
  } else {
    return components

And, finally for this section, an example with a wildcard and explicit "hide" instructions. (This is heavily influenced by Dan’s example).

componentSorter.js (with component sorting and hiding, and wildcards)
'use strict'

module.exports = (components, sortOrder = undefined) => {
  if (sortOrder) {
    components = Object.assign({}, components)
    sortOrder = sortOrder.split(',').map((componentName) => componentName.trim())

    let restIdx
    let i = 0
    const sortedComponents = sortOrder.reduce((accum, name) => {
      if (name === '*') {
        restIdx = i
      } else if (name.startsWith('!')) {
        if ((name = name.slice(1)) in components) {
          delete components[name]
        } else {
          console.log(`no such component to omit named: ${name}`)
      } else if (name in components) {
        delete components[name]
      } else {
        console.log(`no such component named: ${name}`)
      return accum
    }, [])
    if (restIdx !== undefined) {
      sortedComponents.splice(restIdx, 0, ...Object.values(components))
    } else if (Object.keys(components).length) {
      console.log(`Components ${Object.keys(components).join(', ')} not ordered or hidden`)
    return sortedComponents
  } else {
    return components

These implementations are going to be very noisy if you specify a component that isn’t present or leave out a component (in the last implementation). Leaving out the console logging or only logging once is an easy solution. The component-version sorter has a more sophisticated solution.

Sorting Versions

Versions occur in two places in the UI: the component explorer and the page version selector. Thus, we need to modify two partials Handlebars templates. It would be most convenient to have two helpers, one for each sorting task, but since helpers cannot require each other due to how they are loaded from a virtual file system, we need to get both sorters into the same helper. We’ll do this by specifying the type of sort as the first parameter.

Specifying version sort order

Since there’s only one component descriptor for each component-version, we can do version sorting by putting a key in each component descriptor. This strategy doesn’t work well for components, since the key would have to be the same for every version of the component. Another possible version sorting strategy, that we will not pursue, would be to have a global complex sorting key, where each component name is associated with an explicit version sort order. For instance:

    page-component-sort-order: component-a[v3,v1,vx],component-c[v1,vy,va],component-b[z,y,x]

Implementing this is left as an exercise for the reader.

To get back to what we will demonstrate, we’ll have an Asciidoc attribute in each component descriptor with a string-valued sort key:

name: component-a
version: 1.0
title: My Fabulous A
display-version: Version One Point Zero

    version-sort-key: zanzibar

Since we’ll be getting the version-sort-key value from the version object rather than the page attributes exposed in the UI model, the key name doesn’t need to start with the page- prefix.

Handlebars template modifications

We’re already supplying all the necessary information to the sorting helper, so the nav-explore.hbs Handlebars template doesn’t need significant modification. In order to avoid modifying the existing component objects, we’ll copy them, so the component comparison code needs to be a little more careful, comparing names rather than objects.

nav-explore.hbs (with component and version sorting)
<div class="nav-panel-explore{{#unless page.navigation}} is-active{{/unless}}" data-panel="explore">
  {{#if page.component}}
    <div class="context">
      <span class="title">{{page.component.title}}</span>
      <span class="version">{{page.componentVersion.displayVersion}}</span>
  <ul class="components">
    {{#each (componentVersionSorter "components" site.components page.attributes.component-sort-order)}}
      <li class="component{{#if (eq}} is-current{{/if}}">
        <span class="title">{{{./title}}}</span>
        <ul class="versions">
          {{#each ./versions}}
            <li class="version
          {{~#if (and (eq ../name (eq this}} is-current{{/if~}}
              {{~#if (eq this ../latestVersion)}} is-latest{{/if}}">
              <a href="{{{relativize ./url}}}">{{./displayVersion}}</a>
{{#with (componentVersionSorter "versions" page.versions)}}
  <div class="page-versions">
    <button class="version-menu-toggle" title="Show other versions of page">{{}}</button>
    <div class="version-menu">
      {{#each this}}
        <a class="version
      {{~#if (eq ./version}} is-current{{/if~}}
          {{~#if ./missing}} is-missing{{/if}}" href="{{{relativize ./url}}}">{{./displayVersion}}</a>

Sorting helper

We need to add version sorting logic to the sorting helper and make it callable separately. We’ll do this by adding a first parameter describing the type of sort requested.

'use strict'

const VERSION_SORT_KEY = 'version-sort-key'

module.exports = (what, data, sortOrder = undefined) => {
  if (what === 'components') {
    return sortComponents(data, sortOrder)
  } else if (what === 'versions') {
    return sortVersions(data)
  } else {
    throw new Error(`unexpected sort request: ${what}. Expected 'components' or 'versions`)

function sortComponents (components, sortOrder = undefined) {
  if (sortOrder) {
    components = Object.assign({}, components)
    sortOrder = sortOrder.split(',').map((componentName) => componentName.trim())

    let restIdx
    let i = 0
    let omitAll
    const sortedComponents = sortOrder.reduce((accum, name) => {
      let ignoreIfMissing = name.endsWith('?')
      ignoreIfMissing && (name = name.slice(0, name.length - 2))
      if (name === '*') {
        restIdx = i
      } else if (name === '!*') {
        omitAll = true
      } else if (name.startsWith('!')) {
        if ((name = name.slice(1)) in components) {
          delete components[name]
        } else {
          ignoreIfMissing || console.log(`no such component to omit named: ${name}`)
      } else if (name in components) {
        delete components[name]
      } else {
        ignoreIfMissing || console.log(`no such component named: ${name}`)
      return accum
    }, [])
    if (restIdx !== undefined) {
      sortedComponents.splice(restIdx, 0, ...Object.values(components))
    } else if (Object.keys(components).length) {
      omitAll || console.log(`Components ${Object.keys(components).join(', ')} not ordered or hidden`)
    return sortComponentVersions(sortedComponents)
  } else {
    return sortComponentVersions(Object.values(components))

function sortComponentVersions (components) {
  return => {
    component = Object.assign({ name:, title: component.title }, component)
    component.versions = sortVersions(component.versions)
    return component

function sortVersions (versions) {
  const sortedVersions = (versions || []).slice()
    .filter((v) => v.asciidoc.attributes[VERSION_SORT_KEY] !== '!')
    .sort((v1, v2) => {
      const k1 = v1.asciidoc.attributes[VERSION_SORT_KEY]
      const k2 = v2.asciidoc.attributes[VERSION_SORT_KEY]
      if (k1) {
        if (k2) {
          return k2.localeCompare(k1)
        return -1
      if (k2) return 1
      return versions.indexOf(v1) - versions.indexOf(v2)
  return sortedVersions

The version sorting is in reverse order, just like the default sorting. Versions without a version-sort-order key are placed last, in their original order.

Component sorting configuration (playbook key)

The key value is a comma-separated list of specifiers:

Required component

An explicit component name is placed in the order specified if present and warned if missing.

Optional component

A component name suffixed with '?' is placed in the order specified if present.

Hidden component

A component name prefixed with '!' is hidden if present and warned if missing.

Optional hidden component

A component name prefixed with '!' and suffixed with '?' is hidden if present.

Wildcard include

A '*' includes all components not otherwise mentioned, in their original order, at the position of the '*'

Wildcard hide

A '!*' causes all components not otherwise mentioned to be hidden.

Version sorting configuration, per component
  • Version sorting is specified in the component descriptor with the asciidoc.attributes.version-sort-key key.

  • Versions with this key are ordered in reverse lexicographical order of key value.

  • Versions without this key are ordered after those with the key, in the original order.

  • The key value of '!' causes the version to be hidden.

There’s a small project demonstrating all this at

While this implementation can specify any desired sort, it may not always allow an easy or appropriate way to specify that sort. Nevertheless this should provide an indication of how to implement and use more specific sorting strategies.

Comments and suggestions would be appreciated!